Hair Tissue Mineral Testing (HTMA)
Have your blood tests come back normal and you know in your gut something just is not right?
You have tried every product out there, spending way to much money on products that are not worth it and yet you STILL feel exhausted, have not lost weight, have mood swings and are burnt out?
You have googled, read alll these blogs and are now completely overwhelmed by how to even apply anything you learned to your unique situation.
HTMA is a type of functional lab test that uncovers what traditional blood tests can’t by measuring the presence of 29 minerals and 8 heavy metals in your body that have a HUGE impact on your health and it’s safe, non-invasive and easy to do.
metabolic rate and autonomic state (i.e., parasympathetic or sympathetic dominant)
stress levels
adrenal function
thyroid function
hormone levels
energy levels
mental health
blood sugar levels
liver and detox function
immune system function
chemical sensitivities
Minerals are necessary for vibrant living in your wellness journey. They support the body in numerous ways including energy production, nervous system function, strong bones and teeth, PH and water balance, a healthy muscular system, and enzyme reactions.
The root cause of many health conditions can be traced back to mineral imbalances and toxic heavy metal excesses. Among these conditions are cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, menstruation issues, hormone imbalance, fertility issues, perimenopause, menopause, and more. HTMA testing gives you the information and therefore the power to help your body heal itself. By testing for and monitoring these levels, we can ensure your body has what it needs to feel great and live fully.
Restoring Mineral Balance
Increase Nutrient Absorption
Supporting Detox of Heavy Metals
Supporting Adrenal Health
Strengthening the Immune System
Supporting Hormone Health
Overall Health and Wellness